Getting Started

Get to know rapisurv, we are you complete cost and contract solution for the construction industry

Introduction to Rapisurv
Rapisurv is a one stop construction industry solution for the full-lifecycle construction project management and collaboration. It is a business system that...
Tue, 9 Jan, 2024 at 4:37 PM
Creating your account
To use a single-person account, you must be registered on Rapisurv to use the service. Click on "Sign Up" and provide your data and agree to our &...
Fri, 29 Dec, 2023 at 4:42 PM
You must login every time to use Rapisurv, it is advised that you turn on two factor authentication to better protect your account and data. To login; enter...
Thu, 6 Apr, 2023 at 2:42 PM
Choosing a plan
Plans are available on the pricing page. Standard Recommended for single user who want only the pre-construction solution. This plan includes takeoff, bil...
Tue, 9 Jan, 2024 at 4:37 PM
Using Rapisurv
The starting point is to create a project, a project can be created from the "Projects" page or the "Dashboard". Once a project exist in...
Wed, 10 Jan, 2024 at 3:30 PM