Financial Bid

The financial bid application helps users manage the in-app bidding process, when tenderers use the Rapisurv bidding application, their pricing document from the bid is submitted to the bid controller who can then analyze and manage the bids inside Rapisurv eliminating data entry or more complicated documents reviews.

Bid Management

A user can open a bid to review and manage the status. The bid comparison function is a report that shows all the bid relevant to a project side by side in the same view for easier analysis by the reviewer. this can help tender board compare all bids submitted during the decision making process to choose a winner, and they can go back to the specific bid to set it as awarded giving the bidder an opportunity to "Accept"

Legacy Contract management 

Use the "Upload contract from external system" function to bring in-flight contracts into Rapisurv for easier post contract processing, user can upload an existing contract at any stage of completion using "Rapisurv upload template".



  • Click on the "Upload" button 
  • Choose a prepared file to upload
  • Enter the contract description
  • Click on 'create'

The existing contract will be created in Rapisurv and the status will be set as "Awarded", user can go into the valuation and variations app to carryout post contract processes that have been done previously as part of the migration to catch up to the status in Rapisurv, then they can continue to manage their contract in Rapisurv without needing to record data in multiple places.